Eco sports and local authority centres are a fixed system of hoardings that offer our young people a perfect setting for:
Obviously, our ” Street Centres” meet the required standards and are extraordinarily robust. They are difficult to vandalise. Each module has been carefully tested and is ideally suited for use in summer and winter.
Thanks to their special design our centres are extremely quiet and functional. Drive-in gates for snow-clearing or sweeping vehicles and entry gates for young people are located perfectly naturally in the areas you desire. Furthermore, the hoardings can be used superbly for advertising products, thereby enabling you to finance the sports centre with even greater ease.
Variable, individual designs in lots of different sizes
Naturally we plan and develop our multifunctional centres in accordance with your instructions, wishes and suggestions. We should be pleased to team up with you to discover the perfect solution for ” street sports”.
And just in case something should change with regard to your future requirements, ask us about the extensions, additions, new combinations and spare parts we have for our centres and systems. Guaranteed!